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Universal Life Insurance

What is Universal Life Insurance?

Beyond affordability, universal life (UL) policies are also considered to be the most flexible kind of life insurance. Rather than simply providing a fixed death benefit amount for a fixed premium payment, UL policies offer policyholders flexibility with their premium payments and their death benefit amount.

People who own universal life insurance policies can make periodic adjustments according to their needs. UL policies also offer a built-in cash value, so you can set money aside on a tax-deferred basis, right inside your policy.

What are the advantages of Universal Life Insurance?

Universal life insurance is popular for many reasons.

  • Affordability. Universal life insurance costs less than whole-life insurance policies.
    No-lapse protection. Some types of life insurance may lapse if you don’t pay the premium on time. With universal life insurance, your policy includes some protection against lapsing by using the accumulated cash value to keep the policy in-force.
  • Tax-advantaged savings. The cash value component of your universal life insurance policy provides a guaranteed minimum interest rate and offers tax-deferred accumulation.
  • Premium payment flexibility. As your needs change, your universal life insurance policy premium payments and death benefits can be adjusted.
    Loan and withdrawal features. You may be able to take out loans or withdrawals from the accumulated policy cash value when you need them, which may be an attractive alternative to borrowing from a financial institution.

Do I qualify for Universal Life Insurance?

When you apply for any type of life insurance policy, you’ll need to answer questions about your health, including any medical conditions you have been diagnosed with or treated for. You’ll also be asked questions about your occupation and lifestyle. The insurance company evaluates this information in determining whether to approve your new insurance policy. Many universal life insurance policies are offered with limited underwriting requirements, meaning you may not need to complete a physical examination as part of the application process.

Can I afford Universal Life Insurance?

Premiums for universal life insurance policies are typically higher than term insurance, but less expensive than premiums for whole life insurance policies. The price you pay will depend on the face amount of the policy (the amount of the death benefit payable after your death), your age at the time you apply, and your overall health. If you are a non-smoker, your premiums will generally be less expensive than those paid by regular tobacco users.

One of the biggest benefits of universal life insurance is the built-in flexibility when it comes to your premiums. If you experience a temporary financial hardship after your policy has been in force for a certain length of time and have sufficient cash value inside your policy, you may be able to rely on that cash value temporarily to help you keep the policy in force until you can afford to resume the full premium amount again.

When should I buy Universal Life Insurance?

Universal life insurance is a smart choice for people who want some flexibility with their life insurance policies. Because your premiums will be based on your attained age and health at the time you apply, there’s no better time to apply than the present.